Photo courtesy of the artists.
Gerðarsafn Kópavogur Art Museum
That Time | Þá
27 October - 18 December 2016 | 27. október - 18. desember 2016
Kwassa Kwassa (2015) is a film by SUPERFLEX—a Danish artist group founded in 1993 by Jakob Fenger, Rasmus Nielsen, and Bjørnstjerne Christiansen—portraying boat builders on the island of Anjouan in the Comoro Islands. These fishing boats in many cases also transport migrants to the neighbouring island of Mayotte, a French overseas territory and the outermost region of the EU. The island of Mayotte is 70 kilometres away from Anjouan, which is the distance the migrants have to travel across the Indian Ocean to reach Mayotte with the hope for a brighter future as European citizens. This dangerous and life-threatening journey has already resulted in in more than 10.000 deaths of women, men, and children. Kwassa Kwassa originally described a Congolese dance rhythm but has become to mean “unstable boat” in the local language of the Comoro Islands.
Kwassa Kwassa (2015) er vídeóverk eftir SUPERFLEX, sem er danskur hópur listamanna er stofnaður var 1993 af Jakob Fenger, Rasmus Nielsen og Bjørnstjerne Christiansen. Verkið sýnis bátasmiði á eyjunni Anjouan, í Comoro eyjaklasanum. Þessir fiskveiðibátar eru oft á tíðum einnig notaðir til að flytja innflytjendur til nágrannaeyjunnar Mayotte, sem er í eigu Frakklands og ysti staður Evrópusambandsins. Mayotte eyjan er í 70 kílómetra fjarlægð frá Anjouan, sem er sú vegalend sem innflytjendurnir þurfa að ferðast yfir Indlandshaf til að komast til Mayotte, með óskir um betri framtíð eins og evrópskir borgarar. Þetta ógnandi og lífshættulega ferðalag hefur orðið til þess að meira en 10.000 konur, menn og börn hafa týnt lífi sinu. Kwassa Kwassa sem upprunalega merkir dansrytma frá Kongó, hefur tekið merkinguna “óstöðugur bátur” í tungumáli ábúenda Comoro eyja.
SUPERFLEX is an artists' group founded in Denmark in 1993 by Jakob Fenger, Rasmus Nielsen and Bjørnstjerne Christiansen. SUPERFLEX describes their projects as Tools. A tool is a model or proposal that can actively be used and further utilized and modified by the user. SUPERFLEX has exhibited widely with solo projects, among others, at Kunsthalle Basel; Schirn Kunsthalle; Frankfurt am Main; The Science Museum, London; Mori Museum, Tokyo; and the Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden in Los Angeles. The group has participated in international arts biennials, such as the Gwangju-Biennial in Korea; the Istanbul Biennial; São Paulo Biennial; Shanghai Biennial; and in the Utopia Station exhibition at the Venice Biennale. SUPERFLEX’ works are represented in several public art institutions, such as MoMA, New York; Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane; Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Denmark; FRAC - Nord-Pas de Calais, Dunkerque; Coleccion Jumex in Mexico City; Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam; and many more.
SUPERFLEX er hópur listamanna sem stofnaður var í Danmörku 1993 af Jakob Fenger, Rasmus Nielsen og Bjørnstjerne Christiansen. Verkefni SUPERFLEX eru skilgreind sem tól. Tól er módel eða tillaga sem hægt er að nota á aktífan hátt og þróa frekar eða breyta af notandanum. SUPERFLEX hefur sýnt verkefni sín víða, m.a. Kunsthalle Basel; Schirn Kunsthalle; Frankfurt am Main; The Science Museum, London; Mori Museum, Tokyo; og Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden í Los Angeles. Þá hefur hópurinn tekið þátt í mörgum alþjóðlegum listatvíæringum eins og the Gwangju-Biennial, Kóreu; Istanbúltvíæringnum; São Paulo tvíæringnum, Shanghai tvíæringnum; og í the Utopia Station sýningu Feneyjartvíæringsins. Verk SUPERFLEX eru sýnd í mörgum opinberum listastofnunum eins og MoMA, New York; Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane; Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Danmörku; FRAC - Nord-Pas de Calais, Dunkerque; Coleccion Jumex í Mexíkóborg; Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven; Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam; og víðar.
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