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Kristín Loftsdóttir, prófessor í mannfræði við Háskóla Íslands.

Opinn fyrirlestur í tengslum við vinnustofuna Við og við á Cycle.

"The discussion relates postcolonial analysis for the Nordic context to critical analysis of whiteness. It shows how racialized world-view is reinacted through various discourses in Iceland such as the tourism industry, which reflect wider geopolitical inequalities. This particular nation branding rests on older articulation when during the late 19th and early 20th century Iceland´s was simultaneously and object of colonialism and an active contributor to racialized and colonial discourses, attempting to distance itself from Iceland´s persistent depiction in European sources as exotic and different."


Kristín Loftsdóttir er prófessor í mannfræði við Háskóla Íslands. Hún útskrifaðist með doktorspróf frá Háskólanum í Arizona árið 2000. Kristín hefur lagt áherslu á málefni tengd rasisma, kyni og fjölmenningu, til viðbótar við alþjóðleg þróunarmál. Kristín vinnur nú að rannsóknarverkefninu “Negotiating Icelandic Identity in Crisis” sem fjallar um þjóðernishyggju og samspil Íslands við alheiminn í samhengi við íslenska efnahagshrunið.



Kristín Loftsdóttir, Professor of Anthropology, University of Iceland.

Open talk in relation to the workshop We and Us during Cycle Music and Art Festival.

The discussion relates postcolonial analysis for the Nordic context to critical analysis of whiteness. It shows how racialized world-view is reinacted through various discourses in Iceland such as the tourism industry, which reflect wider geopolitical inequalities. This particular nation branding rests on older articulation when during the late 19th and early 20th century Iceland´s was simultaneously and object of colonialism and an active contributor to racialized and colonial discourses, attempting to distance itself from Iceland´s persistent depiction in European sources as exotic and different.


Kristín Loftsdóttir is a professor of Anthropology at the University of Iceland. She received her Ph.D from the University of Arizona in 2000. Kristín has focused on issues relating to racism, gender, and multiculturalism, in addition to international development. Currently she is engaged in the research project “Negotiating Icelandic Identity in Crisis”, focusing on nationalism and Iceland's engagement with a global world in the context of the Icelandic economic crisis.