Nýjasta verkefni dúós Hellqvist/Amaral og listamannahópsins Impossible Situations inniheldur verk eftir Idu Lundén, Marinu Rosenfeld og Øyvind Torvund. Í verki Lundén; ba-ro-me-ter - Variations in air and sound pressure, sem verður heimsfrumflutt á tónleikunum, þá leika fiðla og píanó mynstur eftir nokkrum af fyrstu hljóðupptökunum sem voru gerðar af Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville fyrir rúmlega 160 árum síðan með phonautograph, þá nýrri uppfinningu hans. Verkið My red, red blood (2011) eftir Rosenfeld, sem heyrist hér í fyrsta sinn í dúóútgáfu, er byggt á stemmningu eins-rása vídeóskors úr tilraunakenndum senum ljóðskáldsins Kim Rosenfield um gamanleikara (sem var til) er skemmtir bandarískum hermönnum erlendis. Verkið er hugleiðing um bandarískt hervald og byggir á gamansömum, slitróttum hraða grínistans og einkennum í setningafræði og málfræði tónsmálsins sjálfs. Með því er stungið upp á breytta meiningu í gegnum spuna, túlkun og þýðingu, og undirstrikar vídjóskorið möguleika konsefstsins fyrir nótnaskrift til þess að skapa tónlist í rauntíma. Í verki Torvunds; Plans for future violin and piano pieces (2016), má að lokum líta margmiðlunarútfærslu, sem samsafn af ímynduðum tónlistarlegum hugmyndum, sem væri í raun ómögulegt að útfæra.
My red, red blood (2011)
Marina Rosenfeld (USA)
Ba-ro-me-ter, Variations in air and sound pressure (2017)
Ida Lundén (SE)
Plans for future violin and piano pieces (2016)
Øyvind Torvund (NO)
Hellqvist/Amaral dúóið, stofnað 2009 hefur verið óttalaust í rannsókn sinni á samtímatónlist og verið áhrifavaldur innan tilraunakenndrar tónlistar á þeim tíma með frumflutningi fjölda nýrra verka. “Ómöguleiki”/”Impossible Situations” er verkefni sem þær komu á laggirnar árið 2016 sem samanstendur af hópi listamanna úr mismunandi listgreinum. Verkefnið felur í sér að þessi hópur listamanna hittist og þróar saman ný verk.
Núverandi meðlimir hópsins eru Duo Hellqvist/Amaral, Filippa Berglund, Max Sauer, Carola Bauckholt, Bodil Furu, Lars Petter Hagen, Marina Rosenfeld, Simon Løffler, Ida Lundén, Ricardo Eizirik, Catherine Lamb, Daniel Moreira, Kaj David and Øyvind Torvund. Þau munu halda opna vinnustofu með nemendum úr Listaháskóla Íslands á meðan á dvöl þeirra á Íslandi stendur.
Marina Rosenfeld (f. 1968) er tónskáld, hljóðlistamaður og myndlistarmaður búsett í New York. Eftir að hún útskrifaðist frá Harvard hóf hún nám við California Institute of the Arts. Í list sinni notast hún við dans, ljósmyndun, hljóðlist og aðra sjónræna list, sem hún tengir allt saman í innsetningum sínum.
Ida Lundén er sænskt tónskáld sem skrifar aðallega fyrir smærri hljóðfærasamsetningar, rafhljóð og spuna. Hún hefur verið staðarlistakona Sænska Ríkisútvarpsins P2 og er einn stofnmeðlima Syntjuntan verkefnisins. Tónlist hennar hefur verið flutt á fjölda hátíða á Norðurlöndunum sem og á hátíðum í Þýskalandi og Japan. Einnig hefur hún unnið fjölda samstarfsverkefna með öðru tónlistarfólki, kvikmyndafólki og myndlistarfólki. Ida var tilnefnd til Tónlistarverðlauna Norðurlandaráðs 2016.
Øyvind Torvund (f. 1976) er norskt tónskáld. Í verkum hans má oft finna þversagnakennda blöndu elementa: laglínur mæta konsepthugmyndum, akústíska kammertónlist ásamt lo-fi hljóðum heimagerðra hljóðfæra. Mörg verka hans snúast um hugmyndir um forna tónlist og framsetningu á naívum, fallegum hugmyndum.
Impossible Situations
The latest project of Duo Hellqvist/Amaral and the artist collective Impossible Situations includes works by Ida Lundén, Marina Rosenfeld and Øyvind Torvund. In Lundén’s ba-ro-me-ter - Variations in air and sound pressure (WP), violin and piano pattern after some of the first existing sound recordings made by Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville over 160 years ago with his then newly invented phonautograph. Rosenfeld’s My red, red blood (2011), presented for the first time in duo version, is based on a single-channel video-score from experimental scenarios by poet Kim Rosenfield on the (ostensibly true) experiences of a comedian entertaining US troops abroad. A meditation on US military power, the piece takes its cues both from the punning, disjointed pacing of the stand-up comedian and the idiosyncratic syntax and grammar of musical notation itself. Proposing shifts in meaning through improvisation, interpretation and translation, the video-score emphasizes the conceptual possibilities of musical notation for the production of music in real-time. Last, Torvund’s Plans for future violin and piano pieces (2016) presents in multimedia format a collection of imaginary musical ideas that would, in real life, be impossible to realise.
My red, red blood (2011)
Marina Rosenfeld (USA)
Ba-ro-me-ter, Variations in air and sound pressure (2017)
Ida Lundén (SE)
Plans for future violin and piano pieces (2016)
Øyvind Torvund (NO)
Fearless in their exploration of the newest music, Norwegian-based Duo Hellqvist/Amaral has since 2009 played an outstanding role in the field of experimental music. In 2016, the Duo initiated Impossible Situations: A Collective Experiment (IS:CNE), a platform for cross-disciplinary artistic creationthat challenges the ephemeral conditions of contemporary music life and facilitatesdialogue and exchange between artists, as well as between artists and audiences. IS:CNE artists meet, think and work together regularly in open workshops, organized independently or in partnership with festivals and curators.
The collective currently includes Duo Hellqvist/Amaral, Filippa Berglund, Max Sauer, Carola Bauckholt, Bodil Furu, Lars Petter Hagen, Marina Rosenfeld, Simon Løffler, Ida Lundén, Ricardo Eizirik, Catherine Lamb, Daniel Moreira, Kaj David and Øyvind Torvund. In addition to the concert at Cycle, IS:CNE members will hold a workshop with lectures and open rehearsals at the Iceland Academy of the Arts.
Marina Rosenfeld (b. 1968) is a composer, sound artist and visual artist based in New York City. After graduating from Harvard she went on to the California Institute of the Arts. Her practice includes dance, photography, sound and other visual arts, all of which she brings together in her installations.
Ida Lundén is a composer and musician from Sweden, active mainly in chamber music, electronic and improvised music. She was Composer in Residence at the Swedish Radio P2 and she was one of the founders of Syntjuntan. Her music has been played at numerous festivals in the Nordic Countries, Germany and Japan. She collaborates continuously with musicians, filmmakers and artists. In 2016, Lundén was nominated for the Nordic Council Music Prize.
Øyvind Torvund (b. 1976) is a Norwegian composer. Often there is a paradoxical mixture of elements in his music: melodies encounter conceptual ideas, acoustic chamber music together with lo-fi sounds from homemade instruments. Many of his pieces circle around the idea of an archaic music and the representation of naïve idyllic situations.