Erik Bünger, The Girl Who Never Was, performance lecture, 2014. Photo by Li Yiwei. Courtesy of Cycle Music and Art Festival, Kópavogur, Iceland. 

Erik Bünger, The Girl Who Never Was, performance lecture, 2014. Photo by Li Yiwei. Courtesy of Cycle Music and Art Festival, Kópavogur, Iceland. 

Erik Bünger


Tónlistarsafn Íslands | Iceland Music Museum
29 October 2016 | 29. október 2016
5 PM | kl 17:00

Aðgangur ókeypis | Free admittance



Erik Bünger will perform The Girl Who Never Was (2014), the story of the recent rediscovery of the first recorded voice ever: that of a little girl singing the French lullaby Au Clair de la Lune, recorded 148 years before its unearthing in 2008. One year later a researcher experimented with the playback speed of the recording and succeeded in proving that the fragment was actually a recording of the voice of a full-grown man. The same lullaby is the song sung by the artificial intelligence system HAL in the French version of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The Girl Who Never Was (2014) segir söguna af nýuppgötvaðri raddupptöku, þeirri fyrstu sinnar tegundar: lítil stúlka syngur frönsku vögguvísuna Au Clair de la Lune og var hún tekin  upp 148 árum fyrir uppgötvunina árið 2008. Einu ári síðar gerði rannsakandi tilraunir með flutningshraða upptökunnar og náði að sanna að búturinn var í raun upptaka af rödd fullvaxta karlmanns. Sama vögguvísan er lagið sem sungið er af gervigreindar stýrikerfinu HAL í frönsku útgáfunni af mynd Stanleys Kubrick 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Erik Bünger is a Swedish artist, composer and writer living in Berlin. His work revolves around the human voice and its contradictory relationship to the body, to language, music and technology. The voice is not addressed as a phenomenon, which gives rise to personal, human presence and interpersonal communication but rather as the very thing that allows something other, radically inhuman, to enter and take control of the human body. His lecture performances, videos and compositions have been presented at venues such as The Curitiba Biennial in Brazil, Centre Pompidou in Paris, KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin, The Lincoln Center in New York, The Wellcome Collection in London and ZKM in Karlsruhe.

Erik Bünger er sænskur listamaður, tónskáld og rithöfundur sem býr í Berlín. Verk hans fjalla um mennska rödd og hvernig samband hennar stangast á við líkamann, tungumálið, tónlist og tækni. Á röddina er ekki litið sem fyrirbæri sem ýtir undir persónulega, mannlega tilvist og samskipti milli einstaklinga, heldur það sem leyfir eitthvað annað sem er róttækt, ómanneskjulegt, sem fer inn í og tekur stjórn yfir líkama mannsins. Bünger mun flytja einn af umdeildum fyrirlestrum sínum þar sem hann býður áheyrendum í ferðalag á milli raunveruleika og skáldskapar með sérstakri skynjun sinni fyrir húmor og frásagnarmáta.

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