Photo by Claire Barrett, courtesy of the artists.
Larry Achiampong & David Blandy
Gerðarsafn Kópavogur Art Museum
That Time | Þá
27. október - 18. desember 2016
UK-based artists Larry Achiampong and David Blandy will be screening their film Finding Fanon II (2015). The film is inspired by the writings of Frantz Fanon (1925-1961), a politically radical humanist whose practice dealt with the psychopathology of colonisation and the social and cultural consequences of decolonisation. Finding Fanon II collides art-house cinema with digital culture’s Machinima, resulting in a work that explores the post-colonial condition from inside a simulated environment—the Grand Theft Auto 5 in-game video editor. The video work combines several stories, including how the artists’ familial histories relate to colonial history, an examination of how their relationship is formed through the virtual space, and thoughts on the implications of the post-human condition.
Larry Achiampong og David Blandy eru búsettir í Bretlandi, en þeir munu sýna vídeóverkið Finding Fanon II (2015). Myndin er undir áhrifum frá ritverkum Frantz Fanon (1925-1961), róttækum og pólitískum húmanista, en rannsóknir hans fjölluðu um siðblindu á tímum nýlendustefnunnar og félagslegar og menningarlegar afleiðingar á póst-nýlendutíma. Myndin stefnir saman art-house cinema með stafrænni menningu Machinima, í verk sem skoðar póst-nýlendustöðuna innan úr sýndarveruleikaumhverfi stjórnborðs tölvuleiksins Grand Theft Auto. Vídeóverkið sameinar ólíkar sögur, m.a. fjölskyldusögur listamannanna sem tengjast nýlendusögunni, rannsakar hvernig samband þeirra er mótað af sýndarrými og skoðar áhrif póst-nýlenduástands.
David Blandy lives and works in Brighton and London, and has exhibited at venues nationally and worldwide such as Bloomberg Space, London; Kiasma Contemporary Art Museum, Helsinki; The Baltic, Gateshead; Turner Contemporary, Margate; Spike Island, Bristol; Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Germany; PS1, New York and Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai, China. Blandy recently completed residencies at Tyneside Cinema (Newcastle), and Praksis (Oslo), and will also be artist in residence at Wysing Arts Centre (Cambridge) during 2016. Represented by Seventeen, London, his films are distributed through LUX.
Larry Achiampong lives and works in London. He has exhibited, performed and presented projects within the UK and abroad including Tate Britain/Modern, London; Hauptbahnhof (dOCUMENTA 13), Kassel; The British Film Institute, London; Modern Art Oxford, Oxford; New Art Exchange, Nottingham; SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin; Bokoor African Popular Music Archives Foundation, Accra; and The Mistake Room, Los Angeles. Achiampong recently completed residencies at Tyneside Cinema (Newcastle), and Praksis (Oslo). He is currently artist in residence with Sound & Music and The British Library (London), and will also be artist in residence at Wysing Arts Centre (Cambridge) later this year. Achiampong is a current recipient of the Artist’s Bursary Scheme with Artsadmin (London). Achiampong completed a BA in Mixed Media Fine Art at University of Westminster (2005) and an MA in Sculpture at Slade School of Fine Art (2008).
David Blandy býr og starfar í Brighton og London og hefur sýnt verk sín í sýningarrýmum í heimalandinu og víða um heim. Má þar nefna Bloomberg Space í London, Kiasma samtímalistasafnið í Helsinki, The Baltic Centre for Contemporary, Gateshead, breska listasafnið Turner Contemporary á Spike Island í Bristol, Künstlerhaus í Stuttgart, Þýskalandi, PS1 Listasafnið í New York og Museum of Contemporary Art í Shanghai, Kína. Blandy hefur verið staðarlistamaður hjá Tyneside Cinema í Newcastle og Praksis í Osló og á árinu 2016 verður hann staðarlistamaður hjá Wysing Arts Centre í Cambridge. Umboðsaðili fyrir kvikmyndir hans er Seventeen í London og er þeim dreift í gegnum LUX.
Achiampong býr og starfar í London. Hann hefur haldið sýningar og staðið fyrir viðburðum í heimalandi sínu og á alþjóðavísu. Má þar nefna við Tate Britain/ Modern í London, Hauptbahnhof (dOCUMENTA 13) í Kassel, The British Film Institute í London, Modern Art Oxford í Oxford, New Art Exchange í Nottingham, SAVVY Contemporary í Berlín, Bokoor African Popular Music Archives Foundation í Accra og The Mistake Room í Los Angeles. Achiampong lauk nýlega dvöl sinni sem staðarlistarmaður í Tyenside Cinema í Newcastle og Praksis í Osló. Hann er nú staðarlistamaður hjá Sound & Music og The British Library í London og verður síðar á árinu staðarlistamaður við Wysing Art Centre í Cambridge. Achiampong hlaut nýlega viðurkenninguna The Artist's Bursary Scheme hjá Artsadmin London. Achiampong lauk BA gráðu í Mixed Media Fine Art frá Háskólanum í Westminster árið 2005 og MA gráðu í skúlptúr frá Slade School of Fine Art árið 2008.
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