DullTech™ Sunday, 2015, photo by Melanie Bonajo.
Constant DullAart
Gerðarsafn Kópavogur Art Museum
That Time | Þá
27 October - 18 December 2016 | 27. október - 18. desember 2016
Constant Dullaart, DullTechTM branding, vinyl, 2016. Photo by Vigfús Birgisson. Courtesy of Cycle Music and Art Festival, Kópavogur, Iceland.
Constant Dullaart, DullTechTM branding, vinyl, 2016. Photo by Vigfús Birgisson. Courtesy of Cycle Music and Art Festival, Kópavogur, Iceland.
Berlin-based Dutch artist Constant Dullaart’s work constantly shifts the grounds of expectation, perception, and knowledge. In 2015, as the result of a successfully funded Kickstarter campaign, Dullaart founded DullTech™, a tech company that produces media players, targeting the art world: Easy to use, they sync files of any format for screenings and installations. For Cycle Music and Art Festival, Dullaart’s media players are used as tech equipment in the exhibition—That Time is ‘powered by’ DullTech™. The fully functional media players are, however, also simultaneously exhibited as artworks in their own right (DullTech™ first edition signage players by DullTech™, 2015, Always a Dull Moment). Also during the Festival, DullTech™ will broadcast a screensaver (DullTech™ first edition screensaver, YouTube in Your Office, 2011-2015, a video delivered with every editioned media player) on Icelandic national television. The nocturnal broadcast will suggest a sleep mode, a buffering state of the TV channel. DullTech™, in a slightly dubious manner, will feature as an enigmatic and aggressively pushy brand that suggests itself as the ‘power’ on which the state-owned media channel ultimately runs.
Constant Dullaart, sem búsettur er í Berlín, vinnur með sífelldar umbreytingar á eftirvæntingu, upplifun og vitneskju. Árið 2015, eftir velgengi Kickstarter herferð, stofnaði hann DullTechTM, tæknifyrirtæki sem sérhæfir sig í fjölmiðlunarspilurum fyrir listaheiminn: auðveldir í notkun, samræma þeir gögn i hverskonar formöttum fyrir sýningar og innsetningar. Fyrir Cycle, leggur Dullaart til þesskonar tæki sem verða almennt notuð í uppsetningu sýningarinnar. Spilararnir verða einnig sýndir sem listaverk eða skúlptúrar á sinn eigin hátt. Sýningin í Gerðarsafni er styrkt af DullTechTM. Meðan á Cycle stendur, mun DullTechTM einnig senda út skjáhvílu (YouTube in Your Office, vídeó sem kemur með öllum útgáfum spilaranna) í Ríkissjónvapinu. Hin náttræna myndvörpun felur í sér svefnástand sjónvarpsstöðvarinnar. DullTechTM mun á örlítið vafasaman hátt, verða kynnt sem óljóst, aggressíft og ýtið fyrirtæki sem skilgreinir sjálft sig sem valdið, sem hin ríkisrekna sjónvarpsstöð í raun rekin er af.
Constant Dullaart’s practice reflects on the broad cultural and social effects of communication and image processing technologies, from performatively distributing artificial social capital on social media to completing a staff-pick Kickstarter campaign for a hardware start-up called Dulltech™. His work includes websites, performances, routers, installations, startups, armies, and manipulated found images, frequently juxtaposing or consolidating technically dichotomized presentation realms. Recent solo exhibitions include The Possibility of an Army, Kunsthalle Schirn, Frankfurt (2016); Jennifer in Paradise, Futura, Prague (2015); The Censored Internet, Aksioma, Ljubljana (2015); Stringendo, Vanishing Mediators at Carroll / Fletcher, London (2014); Brave New Panderers, XPO gallery, Paris (2014); Jennifer in Paradise, Future Gallery, Berlin (2013); and Onomatopoeia, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City (2012). Group exhibitions include Then They Form Us, MCA, Santa Barbara (2015); When I Give, I Give Myself, Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam (2015); Algorithmic Rubbish, Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam (2015); Online/Offline/Encoding Everyday Life, Transmediale, Berlin (2014); Casting a Wide net, Postmasters, NYC, USA (2013); Online Mythologies, Polytechnic Museum, Moscow (2012); Genius without talent, de Appel, Amsterdam (2012); A Painting Show, Autocenter, Berlin (2011). Dullaart has curated several exhibitions and lectured at universities and academies throughout Europe, most currently at the Werkplaats Typografie Arnhem. Recently he has been awarded the Prix Net-Art 2015.
Í listsköpun sinni veltir Constant Dullaart fyrir sér þeim víðtæku menningarlegu og félagslegu áhrifum sem samskipti og stafræn sjónræn tækni hefur, allt frá framsetningu þar sem hann dreifir tilbúnum félagsauði á samfélagsmiðlum til herferðar á Kickstarter, þar sem hann markaðssetur nýsköpun sína, vélbúnað undir heitinu Dulltech™. Verk hans eru sett fram með ólíkum hætti, sem vefsíður, sýningar, gagnabeinar, innsetningar, nýsköpun, herferðir o.fl. Af nýlegum einkasýningum má nefna The Possibility of an Army, Kunsthalle Schirn í Frankfurt; Jennifer in Paradise, Futura í Prag; The Censored Internet, Aksioma í Ljubljana (2015); Stringendo, Vanishing Mediators við Carroll / Fletcher í London; Brave New Panderers, XPO gallery í Paris (2014); Jennifer in Paradise, Future Gallery í Berlin; Jennifer in Paradise, Import Projects í Berlin (2013) og Onomatopoeia, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art í Salt Lake City (2012). Af samsýningum má nefna Then They Form Us, MCA í Santa Barbara; When I Give, I Give Myself, Van Gogh Museum í Amsterdam; Algorithmic Rubbish, Stedelijk Museum Bureau í Amsterdam (2015); Casting a Wide net, Postmasters í New York USA; Online/Offline/Encoding Everyday Life, Transmediale í Berlin (2014); Online Mythologies, Polytechnic Museum í Moscow; Genius without talent, de Appel í Amsterdam (2012); A Painting Show, Autocenter í Berlin (2011). Constant Dullaart hefur verið sýningarstjóri listsýninga og haldið fyrirlestra við háskóla og listaakademíur víðs vegar um Evrópu, nú nýlega við The Werkplaats Typografie. Hann hlaut nýlega verðlaunin The Prix Net-Art 2015.
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