Portrait by Meredith Jenks, courtesy of the artist.
Caitlin Berrigan
Gerðarsafn Kópavogur Art Museum
That Time | Þá
27 October - 18 December 2016 | 27. október - 18. desember 2016
Caitlin Berrigan, Treatise on Imaginary Explosions Vol. II, video projections with sound, installation, 2016. Photo by Vigfús Birgisson. Courtesy of Cycle Music and Art Festival, Kópavogur, Iceland.
Caitlin Berrigan, Treatise on Imaginary Explosions Vol. II, video projections with sound, installation, 2016. Photo by Vigfús Birgisson. Courtesy of Cycle Music and Art Festival, Kópavogur, Iceland.
US-based artist Caitlin Berrigan will present for the first time a part of her new work Treatise on Imaginary Explosions Vol. II (2016), an experimental fiction film and installation forging into affective geologies and the idea of becoming mineral. Treatise on Imaginary Explosions Vol. II will follow a group of female geologists as they conspire to blow up the world by simultaneously erupting all of Earth’s volcanoes. The film follows the geologists to volcanoes, laboratories, and geological survey sites across the world, investigating the relationship between the embodied time-scales of geological metamorphosis and human neurological landscapes of trauma. It revolves around a dialectical problematic: when traumatic experience defies language, can we begin to grasp its proportions by mapping it onto geological landscape and time? And can we begin to grasp the scope and scale of geological change, and human intervention within it, by embodying it at the human scale—by becoming mineral?
Caitlin Berrigan, sem búsett er í Bandaríkjunum, sýnir nú í fyrsta sinn hluta af nýju vídeóverki sínu Treatise on Imaginary Explosions, Vol. II (2016), tilraunakenndan skáldskap sem fjallar um áhrif jarðfræðinnar og hugmyndina um að steinefnagerast. Við fylgjum eftir hópi af kvenjarðfræðingum, þar sem þær leggja á ráðin um að sprengja upp heiminn með því að virkja öll heimsins eldfjöll. Myndin fylgir jarðfræðingunum eftir til eldfjalla, rannsóknkarstofa og jarðrannsóknasvæða víðsvegar í heiminum og rannsakar sambandið milli umbreyttrar tímalínu jarðfræðinnar og taugalandsvæðis mannlegra áfalla. Hún fjallar um ákveðna díalektíska hugmyndafræði: þegar tungumálið nær ekki utan um áföll, getum við byrjað að skilja áhrifin með því að kortleggja þau í jarðfræðilegt landslag og tíma? Munum við byrja að skilja hlutföll og skala jarðfræðilegra breytinga og áhrif manneskjunnar þar á, með því að manneskjan sjálf umbreytist í steinefni?
Caitlin Berrigan, Treatise on Imaginary Explosions Vol. II, film still, 2016. Photo by Vigfús Birgisson. Courtesy of Cycle Music and Art Festival, Kópavogur, Iceland.
Caitlin Berrigan works across performance, sculpture, text, new media and public interventions to articulate the intimate and uncanny dimensions of power and politics. Her work includes Spectrum of Inevitable Violence, a large-scale class warfare food fight to expose the messy intersectional nature of class (commissioned 2010 by Experience Economies, Cambridge MA and 2012 by deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Boston MA/USA); and Lessons in Capitalism, a ludic observation of the language of finance and money through the eyes of children (commissioned 2013 by the Harvard Carpenter Center for Creative Time). Her recent solo exhibition at Archive Kabinett, Berlin, Unfinished State (2015), explores speculative fictions and real estate between Berlin and Beirut/Lebanon. An artist’s book from this work will be published in 2016 by Archive Books. Berrigan’s work has shown at the Whitney Museum of American Art, Storefront for Art and Architecture, Hammer Museum, Gallery 400 Chicago, Anthology Film Archives, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Lugar a Dudas Colombia, 0047 Gallery Oslo, and the 2010 Vancouver Olympics. She is the recipient of a Chancellor Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2013–2014), an artist fellowship in sculpture from the Massachusetts Cultural Council (2013), and a fellowship from Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture (2008). Invited residencies include PROGRAM–Initiative for Art and Architecture Collaborations Berlin/Germany, Fountainhead Residency Miami, FL/USA, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and The Wassaic Project, NY/USA. She is a professor of new media at Tisch Photography & Imaging, New York University. She holds a Master's in visual art from MIT and a BA in art & art history from Hampshire College
Caitlin Berrigan nýtir jafnt performanslist, skúlptúr, textagerð, sjónrænar innsetningar og opinbera íhlutun við að tjá hið nána og skuggalega samspil valds og stjórnmála. Meðal verka hennar má nefna Spectrum of Inevitable Violence, sem má lýsa sem meiriháttar matarslagsmálum, í því skyni að afhjúpa sóðalegan snertiflöt milli þjóðfélagshópa (sýnt 2010 eftir pöntun Experience Economies, Cambridge MA og 2012 að beiðni deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Boston MA/USA). Lessons in Capitalism var gagnsæ athugun á orðræðu fjármála og peninga séð í gegnum augu barna (2013, Harvard Carpenter Center for Creative Time). Í nýlegri einkasýningu hennar Unfinished State sem haldin var árið 2015 í Archive Kabinett í Berlín, kannar hún ímyndaðan skáldskap og fasteignir á mörkum Berlínar og Beirút í Líbanon. Listaverkabók unnin út frá verkinu verður gefin út árið 2016 af Archive Books. Verk Caitlin Berrigan hafa verið sýnd í Whitney Museum of American Art, Storefront for Art and Architecture, Hammer Museum, Gallery 400 í Chicago, Anthology Film Archives, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Lugar a Dudas Colombia, 0047 Gallery Osló og á Ólympíuleikunum 2010 í Vancouver. Hún hefur hlotið ýmsar viðurkenningar, má þar nefna Chancellor Fellowship frá Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2013–2014), Artist Fellowship in sculpture frá Massachusetts Cultural Council (2013) og Fellowship frá Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture (2008). Hún hefur þegið boð um að vera staðarlistamaður hjá PROGRAM – Initiative for Art and Architecture Collaborations í Berlin Þýskalandi, hjá Fountainhead Residency Miami, FL/USA, hjá Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute og einnig hjá The Wassaic Project, NY/USA. Hún er prófessor í nýmiðlun hjá Tisch Photography & Imaging við New York University. Hún er með MA gráðu í sjónlistum frá MIT og BA gráðu í Art & Art History frá Hampshire College.
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