Beatrice Gibson, F for Fibonacci, 2014
16 mm and 35 mm transferred to HD
Courtesy of the artist and Laura Bartlett Gallery, London
Beatrice Gibson
Gerðarsafn Kópavogur Art Museum
That Time | Þá
27 October - 18 December 2016 | 27. október - 18. desember 2016
Beatrice Gibson, F for Fibonacci, 16 mm and 35 mm transferred to HD, surround sound, 16:20 min., film still, 2014. Courtesy of Cycle Music and Art Festival, Kópavogur, Iceland.
British artist Beatrice Gibson’s film F For Fibonacci (2014) takes as its departure point William Gaddis’ epic modernist novel JR (1975). JR tells the story of a precocious 11 year-old capitalist who, with the unwitting help of his school’s resident composer, inadvertently creates the single greatest virtual empire the world has seen, spun largely from the anonymity of the school’s pay phone. F For Fibonacci develops a particular episode from JR, in which a televised music lesson is scrambled with a maths class on derivatives inside the mind of its child protagonist. Musings on aleatory music become muddled with virtual stock pickings and a theory of ‘market noise.’ Unfolding through the modular machine aesthetics of the video game Minecraft, textbook geometries, graphic scores, images from physics experiments, and cartoon dreams, blend with images from wall street: stock market crashes, trading pits, algorithms and transparent glass. Gibson’s practice is predicated on the idea of creating open-ended compositional structures, landscapes in which an asynchronous assembly of elements: actors, objects, and images, are placed together and left to dance. The aleatory nature of this way of working affords F For Fibonacci its recursivity; the content and construction of the film follow the same methodology.
Vídeóverkið F For Fibonacci (2014) eftir bresku listakonuna Beatrice Gibson er byggt á JR (1975) epískri, módernískri skáldsögu William Gaddis. JR segir sögu 11 ára kapítalista, sem ásamt skólatónskáldinu, skapar óvart í gegnum almenningssíma heimsins mesta sýndarveruleikaheimsveldi. Í huga söguhetjunnar sjáum við tónlistartíma í sjónvarpi sem er rofinn af stærðfræðikennslustund í afleiðum. Tilviljanatónlist blandast verðbréfum og kenningum um markaðshljóð. Með fagurfræði tölvuleiksins Minecraft, blandast myndir úr stærðfræðitextabókum, frá Wall Street, af verðbréfahrunum, eðlisfræðitilraunum, og teiknimyndadraumum svo fátt eitt sé nefnt. Gibson fæst við hugmyndir um opinn strúktúr, landslag með mismunandi elementum, leikurum, hlutum og sýnum sem blandað er saman og leyft að ganga sinn gang. Með tilviljunina að vopni og endurtekningu verður form og ferli verksins til.
Beatrice Gibson lives and works in London. Recent solo exhibitions include Grazer Kunstverein (2016); MUDAM Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg (2016); Collective Gallery Edinburgh (2015); F for Fibonacci, Laura Bartlett Gallery, London (2014); A Tale of Two Cities, The Highline, New York, (2014); Beatrice Gibson, Wilfried Lenz, (2014); CAC Bretigny (2013); Index, The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, Stockholm; The Showroom, London (2012); Künstlerhaus Stuttgart (2010); The Serpentine Gallery (Sackler Center) (2010). Gibson’s films have screened at numerous experimental film venues and film festivals nationally and internationally including Light Industry, NY, Anthology Film Archives NY; LA Film Forum; Rotterdam International Film Festival; Experimenta, London Film Festival; and Oberhausen Short Film Festival. Gibson’s work was recently included in Assembly, A Recent Survey of Artist’s Film and Video in Britain, 2008-2013, Tate Britain, 2014. She has twice won the Rotterdam International Film Festival Tiger Award for short film, was nominated for the 2013 Jarman Award and shortlisted for the 2013-15 Max Mara Art Prize for Women. In 2014, Gibson was one of four shortlisted artists for the newly inaugurated 2014 Milton Keynes City Prize for the Visual Arts.
Beatrice Gibson býr og starfar í London. Nýlegar einkasýningar eru meðal annarra MUDAM Musée d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean í Luxembourg (2016); Collective Gallery í Edinburgh (2015); F for Fibonacci, Laura Bartlett Gallery í London (2014); A Tale of Two Cities, The Highline í New York, (2014); Beatrice Gibson, Wilfried Lenz, (2014); CAC Bretigny (2013); Index, The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation í Stokkhólmi; The Showroom í London (2012); Künstlerhaus Stuttgart (2010); The Serpentine Gallery (Sackler Center) (2010). Verk Beatrice Gibson hafa verið sýnd á vettvangi tilraunakvikmyndalistar og á kvikmyndahátíðum í heimalandi hennar og á alþjóðavísu. Má þar nefna; Light Industry, NY, Anthology Film Archives NY; LA Film Forum; Rotterdam International Film Festival; Experimenta, London Film Festival og Oberhausen Short Film Festival. Verk Beatrice voru nýlega gefin út í yfirlitsverkinu Assembly, A Recent Survey of Artist’s Film and Video in Britain, 2008-2013, Tate Britain, 2014. Hún hefur tvisvar unnið til verðlaunanna Tiger Award í flokki stuttmynda á Rotterdam International Film Festival, var útnefnd árið 2013 til verðlaunanna Jarman Award. Hún var tilnefnd til Max Mara kvennalistaverðlaunanna 2013-2015. Árið 2014 var hún ein fjögurra tilnefndra listamanna til nýstofnaðara 2014 Milton Keynes City Prize for the Visual Arts. Framundan er einkasýning við Grazer Kunstverein í september 2016.
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