Adam Gibbons & boyleANDshaw - AGBAS WELC0ME WELC0ME WELC0ME soft relaunch, 2016, courtesy of the artists.
Adam Gibbons & boyleANDshaw
Gerðarsafn Kópavogur Art Museum
That Time | Þá
27 October - 18 December 2016 | 27. október - 18. desember 2016
Adam Gibbons & bolyeANDshaw, The door’s open / Close the door! / Don’t close the door! /Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! /Not Welcome! Not Welcome! Not Welcome! /Welcome!, carpet, photographic prints, branded stress balls, audio, dimensions variable, 2016. Photo by Vigfús Birgisson. Courtesy of Cycle Music and Art Festival, Kópavogur, Iceland.
Adam Gibbons & bolyeANDshaw, The door’s open / Close the door! / Don’t close the door! /Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! /Not Welcome! Not Welcome! Not Welcome! /Welcome!, carpet, photographic prints, branded stress balls, audio, dimensions variable, 2016. Photo by Vigfús Birgisson. Courtesy of Cycle Music and Art Festival, Kópavogur, Iceland.
a soft relaunch,
The Project Management Life Cycle has four phases: Initiation, Planning, Execution and Closure. Each project life cycle phase is described below, along with the tasks needed to complete it. You can click the links provided, to view more detailed information on the project management life cycle.
a dis-illusioned, optimistic, soft opening(s),
Waiting waiting waiting. (to) Give form to an android sentinel archetype and clump, lump, thump it
with a Bucky dome. Paint it orange, give it a choir, slap (stick) it about. Give it a good modern font.
(whatever happened to Klein Towers?)
We need skyhooks and climbing hooks and meat hooks and fresh fruit, fractals, mediums, conductors
and climbing frames.
Winterreise (Winter Journey) is a song cycle for voice and piano by Franz Schubert
to create reaction, data or (sonic) feedback in the form of repetitive action/ acceptance,
aiming to drift toward being-in-the-world
aim (?) to discover, re-appropriate/ place/ (package) the origins of a town’s sound.
Local peripheral vision without flesh?
Town/ location projecting a system of beliefs via an architectural organ (t0wer, fact0ry)/ natural res0urce
How tall is your r00f?
we invite
activation of thoughts, nodes of improvised, sporadic communication (perhaps) juxtaposed with collective local memory stores
focusing through
reverb of the tower. Its ontology or existence. The trace of a sound - a white lie, misinterpreted, muddled fable over over-dubbed, (persistent) smothered beat.
i - am - not - happening
no - body - is – listening
And we talked a bit about displacement and this all starting from sound – as things do for
bAs – and we talked about the score of these motifs and about exuberance – operating with
The door’s open
Close the door!
Don’t close the door!
Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!
mon-thurs perform based install. If too late. no worries>
boyleANDshaw (Adrian R Shaw & Matthew Boyle) and Adam Gibbons began talking about colluding at some point in 2015. Their respective practices are rooted in intimate and often iterative collaborations - at times hermetic; at ot her times involving invited participants. Working together, their enquiry moves around strategies and methodologies of hacked collage, fluidity and interruption. Their contribution to Cycle Music and Art Festival 2016 is the first public exhibition coming out of their collaboration.
boyleANDshaw have worked in partnership since 2007, creating a body of performance and multimedia works. Disregarding standard chronologies, the artists entangle incommensurate structures in their pieces, tracing out a fabricated macrocosm that veers from perverse humour to elegiac sentimentality. Their works include The Performance Studio (Artists in Residence, 2014), DIGGIN (The Gate Theatre, London, 2014), The Will Gompertz Fringe (ICA, London, 2013), bAsel HimBeerMarmelade8888888888888888888 (Schwarzwaldallee, Basel, 2012), d0gland (ICA, London, 2011), THERE ARE THE LIVING, THE DEAD, AND THOSE WHO GO TO SEA (Calvert 22, London, 2010), The Filthy Songs Of Their Fathers (Guest Projects, London, 2010), Maiastra, Please Sing! (Romanian Cultural Institute, London, 2009), The Funnel of Love (176 Gallery, London, 2009).
Adam Gibbons’ often collaborative work is frequently engaged in questions of circulation and dissemination as well as language. Gibbons is a founding member of the artist group Am Nuden Da, with whom he has worked since 2009. They frequently collaborate with other artists, and in their practice operate, amongst other things, as publisher, curator, commissioner and artist.
Selected Am Nuden Da exhibitions and projects include: In the temporal manner of Blinky Palermo's Blaue Dreiecke, 1970, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels with Ian Law and Davide Stucchi (Upcoming Exhibitions, abc, Berlin, 2013), Session_22_Reading of All Words (ICA, London, 2012), It’s 1957 and the Press Release Still isn’t Written, a project by Cally Spooner (Hermes und der Pfau, Stuttgart, 2012), Session_20_Propositions (ICA, London, 2012). Group exhibitions include: The boys the girls and the political (Lisson Gallery, London, 2015), Like a Virgin (VI, VII, Oslo, 2014), From script to reading to exhibition to performance to print (Rowing, London, 2013), DOMMAGE QU'ELLE DOIVE MOURIR, MAIS C'EST NOTRE LOT À TOUS! (curated by Shanaynay, Galerie Kamm, Berlin, 2013), Glaze (curated by George Henry Longly, Galerie Chez Valentin, Paris, 2012).
The artists are based in London and Harrogate, UK.
boyleANDshaw (Adrian R Shaw & Matthew Boyle) og Adam Gibbons gerðust samstarfsaðilar 2015. Viðfangsefni þeirra á rætur sínar í náinni og oft endurtekinni samvinnu – þar sem þeir eru ýmist einangraðir eða í samstarfi við aðra sem þeir bjóða til sín. Í verkum þeirra beina þeir rannsakandi augum að aðferðarfræði og útsjónarsemi klippimynda, flæðis og truflunar. Framlag þeirra til Cycle listahátíðarinnar 2016 er fyrsta opinbera sýningin sem byggir á samvinnu þeirra þriggja.
Tvímenningarnir boyleANDshaw hafa unnið saman frá árinu 2007 og skapað fjölda sýninga auk margmiðlunarverka. Með því að hunsa venjubundna tímaröð, útbúa listamennirnir verk þar sem strúktúr þess er ófullnægjandi og flæktur og þannig verður til einhvers konar alheimur sem kúvendist milli afkáranlegrar kómíkur og tregafullrar tilfinningasemi. Meðal verka þeirra má telja: The Performance Studio (staðarlistamenn, 2014), DIGGIN (The Gate Theatre, London, 2014), The Will Gompertz Fringe (ICA, London, 2013), bAsel HimBeerMarmelade8888888888888888888 (Schwarzwaldallee, Basel, 2012), d0gland (ICA, London, 2011), THERE ARE THE LIVING, THE DEAD, AND THOSE WHO GO TO SEA (Calvert 22, London, 2010), The Filthy Songs Of Their Fathers (Guest Projects, London, 2010), Maiastra, Please Sing! (Romanian Cultural Institute, London, 2009), The Funnel of Love (176 Gallery, London, 2009).
Adam Gibbons er einn af stofnendum listahópsins Am Nuden Da og hefur starfað með honum frá árinu 2009. Hópurinn vinnur oft með öðrum listamönnum og starfa jafnframt sem útgefendur, sýningarstjórar og panta einnig verk. Verkin sem Gibbons vinnur iðulega í samstarfi við aðra hverfast um kryfjun, hringrás og tungumál. Sýningar og verkefni Am Nuden Da eru m.a.: In the temporal manner of Blinky Palermo's Blaue Dreiecke, 1970, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels með Ian Law og Davide Stucchi (Upcoming Exhibitions, abc, Berlin, 2013), Session_22_Reading of All Words (ICA, London, 2012), It’s 1957 og the Press Release Still isn’t Written, verkefni eftir Cally Spooner (Hermes und der Pfau, Stuttgart, 2012), Session_20_Propositions (ICA, London, 2012). Samsýningar telja: The boys the girls and the political (Lisson Gallery, London, 2015), Like a Virgin (VI, VII, Oslo, 2014), From script to reading to exhibition to performance to print (Rowing, London, 2013), DOMMAGE QU'ELLE DOIVE MOURIR, MAIS C'EST NOTRE LOT À TOUS! (sýningarstjórn: Shanaynay, Galerie Kamm, Berlin, 2013), Glaze (sýningarstjóri: George Henry Longly, Galerie Chez Valentin, Paris, 2012).
Listamennirnir hafa aðsetur sitt í London og Harrogate, Bretlandi.
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